Behavior Basics

culture eats strategy for breakfast


- A product-centric focus limits market acceptance.

- (Potential) clients are resistant to change.

- People  (prospects, clients, employees, partners) are the wildcard.


As innovator you need a basic knowledge and understanding of human behavior, Brain Operating Systems and why people don’t like change.

The training will give you the basics about behavior, communication intelligence (CQ) as well as culture. In this way, you can better align your products/services with human behavior.



Interactive video calls in English/Dutch language or in person.


Arnold Beekes has more than 45 years of experience in leadership, innovation, training & coaching and 23 years of experience in psychology and neuroscience. 


Next steps

Do you want to unleash your potential?

Do you want to work wonders?

For questions, you can email 

Appreciate for sharing lots of stuff especially human's behavioral system. It was such great learning for me. ~ Yoichiro Hara